Jet propulsion - state of the art

Jet propulsion - state of the art

The MDTJ-42 project

EASA certification for our JET propulsion system is within reach. There are still a few tests to pass and then we'll be ready. The manual for the engine is currently being proofread and is now ready for approval. So it remains exciting, but we are confident that we will get the approval now and then the talks with the glider manufacturers will start to make the retrofitting possible. We are currently expecting a price of €25,000 for retrofitting the turbine. Such an installation should then be possible within 5 working days.

Contact/ JET:
phone: +49 (0) 44 65 - 9 78 78 - 0
mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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